Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu be better Coaching





This lead to an intense healing journey and a path of deep understanding and knowing. Studying in depth, training with masters worldwide and integrating healing methods from all over the world, I felt my calling from India.

On my first visit it felt like coming home. I have to cut this short, because this first trip of three weeks lead to me living in India for seven years!

This changed my Life!

The first year I would spend times with monks, studying most Yoga & meditation styles at their birth place including Vedanta philosophy & the yogic path in depth, Ayurvedic nutrition, energetic healing methods and much more. I was like a sponge sucking in knowledge - on the one hand.

On the other hand I was getting rid of old patterns that had been holding me back in the past, understanding and transcending things on a deep level. I met with reknowned scientists to feed my interest in neuroscience and how to alter our mind without medicine and by sheer will power. I internalized the most powerful techniques to transform pain from the past into power for the now.

As an answer to the lockdowns I started serving my clients online and found how wonderful the teachings can be given virtually as well. And this is why you are reading this now.

I want to show working women everywhere that there are ways to take on the challenges in life and that there are tools to make the necessary shifts.

No matter what life throws at you -

you CAN adapt with the right tools and help from someone who

has been where you are.

My signature program „Pain to Power“ is the essence of all trainings, methods, systems and successes I integrated over the past 25+ years of

my life.

The result is a process I take my clients through, equipping them with a bullet proof mindset, laser sharp focus, physical stamina and mental health as well as the ability to deliberately rest and enjoy when THEY decide it´s time to. Thus they get so productive and creative they get more and better things done in shorter amounts of time.

This shows in their bank account and on their calendar. There is more me-time, free-time and family-time.

Time to work balances time to play.

And they learn to apply each tool exactly when it´s needed due to outer circumstances and inner needs- for the rest of their Lives.


Up to today I was blessed to inspire thousands of people to

a healthier, happier and more successful Life through my books & trainings.

Up to today I was blessed to inspire thousands of people to

a healthier, happier and more successful Life through my books & trainings.

Here are some of the things they cherished and that

You can benefit from, too:

Feel free to read and watch some

testimonials from former clients and what

they say about my work:

Feel free to read and watch some

testimonials from former clients and what

they say about my work:

Kerstin Karuna Linnartz

Founder be better company

Has been working as an entrepreneur, media woman, author, coach and mentor for more than two decades. Her books and trainings have inspired over 200.000 people in the german speaking countries. She has trained hundreds of Yoga teachers worldwide and inspired thousands of women to take charge of their own life.

Taking her offers online is now allowing her to share

her mission "be better" with women around the globe.

featured in

featured in:

Feel free to read and watch some

testimonials from former clients and what

they say about my work:

These Women successfully re-wrote their Life. Meet them here:

© Copyright be better 2022

be better exists to give people the training they need to make a greater impact on their life by implementing a bulletproof system for their private and professional life.