Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu be better Coaching





Book a call here if you’d like to work with me.

During this conversation, we’ll discuss your

support needs and find the best model for you.

Book a call here if you’d like

to work with me. During this conversation, we’ll discuss your support needs and find the best model for you.

An integrative approach to personal and professional development has a significant impact on all key areas of life.

Through my work, I support my clients in strengthening their physical and mental health, building emotional resilience, and fostering sustainable professional success—empowering them to effectively manage high responsibilities under pressure or excel in leadership roles with confidence.

In addition, we develop strategies to cultivate a sense of purpose, aiming for comprehensive fulfillment across all areas of life.

This innovative, multidimensional approach is grounded in scientific research and designed to establish practical, sustainable change.


Meet some of our clients who changed their lives:

Tanja H.


Lost her fear of speaking in front of others, started her own business

besides her corporate job, is now

wildly successful in both businesses and enJOYing it!

Pei Ying


Transformed her blockages, started her own business and

turned from holding back to

radiant andmagnetically sharing her energy.



Found courage and trust in herself to now

successfully combine her corporate Life with her passion. Wrote a book about her journey and gets invited to inspire others on public events.



Experienced immediate Shift working with Kerstin.

Overcame her Overwhelm juggling business and family.
Successfully works from a Grounded State now.

Pei Ying


Transformed her blockages, started her own business and turned from holding back to radiant and

magnetically sharing her energy.

Tanja B.


Stronger than ever after going through chemo with Kerstin´s help,

published a bestselling book on the process and

is now successful as public speaker.



Found the "missing Link" in Kerstin´s Coaching. Has her courses booked out at light speed now, is getting requests from clients she never dreamed of and is claiming her space in her corporate job.

Book a call here if you want to learn about the different ways we can work together. My offerings range from group formats to 1:1 programs and 1:1 mentorships.

Depending on your needs and budget, we’ll find the perfect fit so you can get started right away.

Book a call here if you want to learn about the different ways we can work together. My offerings range from group formats to 1:1 programs and 1:1 mentorships.

Depending on your needs and budget, we’ll find the perfect fit so you can get started right away.

Our big WHY in doing what we do is to

support people in striving.

We believe that women who work hard

deserve to see results as financial success,

physical and mental health and

the personal life they desire.

"You can have it all" requires discipline,

perseverance and dedication.

We are here to get you into

the right mindset to achieve this.

Our big WHY in doing what we do is to

support people in striving.

We believe that women who work hard

deserve to see results as financial success,

physical and mental health and

the personal life they desire.

"You can have it all" requires discipline, perseverance and dedication.

We are here to get you into

the right mindset to achieve this.

Meet some of our amazing clients!

None of these women were given their success under the Christmas tree.

They achieved it through

dedicated work, passion...

and a little help from us.

What you will get out of

our work together:

What you will get out of

our work together:



Success may come in different dresses for everyone- one wants more money, another a better job,

the next more recognition in her career.

Whatever success means to you, it definitely comes with one thing: the need for perseverance, dedication and a good system.

We provide a proven-to-work system equipping you with tools necessary to achieve your goals.

You might even go bigger than you thought you would!

We look into the reasons for you feeling overload and train your radar to no longer step into the stress-trap.

You will develop resilience and power to manage you to dos with zest and grow beyond your limits.


"Nothing is anything without health."

This old saying is so true...

What good are millions in your account when you are too sick to enjoy them? No money in the world can buy you good health and a sound spirit. How many people live a shiny life on the outside, make lots of cash but are depressed on the inside or burned out?

Health is not only a fit body- mental health and wellbeing are as important. They are key to live a truly fulfilled life.

You deserve to not only LOOK happy but to genuinely BE mentally and physically healthy. To radiate, shine and glow.

To REALLY enjoy the fruits of your hard work.

No more sacrificing your wellbeing for the dollars!

You can make money AND be better!

That´s why we show you the way to eliminate patterns that might be in the way to live your life to the fullest- and to LASTINGLY establish ones that give you a healthy body with a healthy mind.


"Nothing is anything without health."

This old saying is so true...

What good are millions in your account when you are too sick to enjoy them? No money in the world can buy you good health and a sound spirit. How many people live a shiny life on the outside, make lots of cash but are depressed on the inside or burned out?

Health is not only a fit body- mental health and wellbeing are as important. They are key to live a truly fulfilled life.

You deserve to not only LOOK happy but to genuinely BE mentally and physically healthy. To radiate, shine and glow.

To REALLY enjoy the fruits of your hard work.

No more sacrificing your wellbeing for the dollars!

You can make money AND be better!

That´s why we show you the way to eliminate patterns that might be in the way to live your life to the fullest- and to LASTINGLY establish ones that give you a healthy body with a healthy mind.


Just like you need to create a good fundament when you build a house to make sure it lasts a lifetime, you need to place ANY work you do on a solid foundation.

When it comes to success and health, the only way to achieve LASTING results

is the right mindset.

ANY other way

is doomed to fail.

As much as medication most often only treats symptoms and not the cause of disease, most "positive thinking" trainings may sooth your pain for a while, but fail when things get rough.

And life gets tough sometimes.

No money in the world can protect you from outer circumstances. But your mindset can. When your inner world is stable, no outer influences or events can destroy your

peace and health.

We show you how to detect reasons for

self-sabotage, low self-esteem and

lack of self-love.

And just like with our success- and health-tools, this is not some wishy-washy-feelgood talk.

You will lay a solid fundament by rewiring your brain at the core level to create the mindset

that guarantees success.


Just like you need to create a good fundament when you build a house to make sure it lasts a lifetime, you need to place ANY work you do on a solid foundation.

When it comes to success and health, the only way to achieve LASTING results

is the right mindset.

ANY other way is doomed to fail.

As much as medication most often only treats symptoms and not the cause of disease, most "positive thinking" trainings may sooth your pain for a while, but fail when things get rough.

And life gets tough sometimes.

No money in the world can protect you from outer circumstances. But your mindset can. When your inner world is stable, no outer influences or events can destroy your peace and health.

We show you how to detect reasons for self-sabotage, low self-esteem and lack of self-love. And just like with our success- and health-tools, this is not some wishy-washy-feelgood talk.

You will lay a solid fundament by rewiring your brain at the core level to create the mindset that guarantees success.

Kerstin Karuna Linnartz

Founder be better

Has been working as an entrepreneur, media woman, author, coach and mentor for more than two decades.

Her books and trainings have inspired over 200.000 people in the german speaking countries. She has trained hundreds of Yoga teachers worldwide and inspired thousands of women to take charge of their own life.

Taking her offers online is now allowing her to share

her mission "be better" with women around the globe.

Kerstin Karuna Linnartz

Founder be better company

Has been working as an entrepreneur, media woman, author, coach and mentor for more than two decades. Her books and trainings have inspired over 200.000 people in the german speaking countries. She has trained hundreds of Yoga teachers worldwide and inspired thousands of women to take charge of their own life.

Taking her offers online is now allowing her to share

her mission "be better" with women around the globe.

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© Copyright be better 2022

be better exists to give people the training they need to make a greater impact on their life by implementing a bulletproof system for their private and professional life.